- there are basically two ways to do it: one is in layout, use multi-finger, and the other is in design by maximizing the overdriven voltage of both MOSFET need to be matched
- Weak and moderate inversion level is optimal region for amplifier. Strong inversion for diff pair is used in Gm-C filter where linearity in attention.
- Jitter, Noise, and Signal Integrity at High Speed, is a basic and high-level introduction to terminology, definitions, and concepts concerning jitter, noise, signal integrity, bit error rate, and working mechanisms for communication link systems
- Using simulation to predict first-order PLL synthesizer performance (Part 1 of 2) | Audio DesignLineEDA tools can assess the first-order jitter and other performance attributes of the phase-lock loop, a critical block in many systems
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几个关于 drupal 的站点:
links for 2007-12-07
- 本文回顾了过去一年芯片厂商在提高电源工作效率方面的进一步努力,阐述一些功率转换中所用的功率因数校正 (PFC) 及其它控制芯片。
- 60年前,科学家们在贝尔实验室证明了20世纪最重要的发明:第一只真正的晶体管。
- generally switching transistors cause glitch due to kickback noise and clock feedthrough and hence these are generally separated from the input and output using a transistor which is always on……
- some study material for a beginner in sigma delta design
- To design SDM:
1.understand the principle of SDM;
2.determine the architecture of SDM according to the spec;
3.behavior modeling scale factor refering to the stablity;
4.behavior modeling the nonideal factor ,such as the cap noise vs. SNR,slew rate and…
wordpress 点滴–4 Gravatar头像插件
之前在很多 blog 上看到留言的头像,看了一下才知道使用的原来是 gravatar 的服务:
Gravatar,全称为 Globally Recognized Avatar,是 http://www.gravatar.com/推出的一种头像身份标识服务。只要你在Gravatar上注册你邮箱,和上传头像图片,然后当你在启动 Gravatar 服务的博客上留言,就可以显示你的头像。
Gravatars2,就是一款wordpress的garavatar头像插件,特别的是,其默认头像可以设置到一个文件夹下面,从而可以随机选取一张头像给未在 Gravatar 上注册的留言者。具体关于安装使用的方法,fairyfish这里有比较详细的介绍。
在使用的时候碰到一些问题: 继续阅读
Cadence 原理图输入的一般规范的小结
Cell 与 Net 的命名
- Cell name:
推荐的格式: <CellType_KeyParameter>, 例如 opamp_lownoise
名字的字符数 <= 16 - Net names: 电源
一般命名,如 avddl, avddh …
避免使用 vdd 和 vss 来命名 ( Digital Core 预留)
避免使用 globals 方式,如 vdd! vpp! - Net names: 信号
一般命名如:vbg, vref_1p2, iref, tref_25u, clk, clk_100mhz
避免使用 globals 方式,如vref!
总线格式: netname<msb:0>