以前做 RSSI 的时候,里面 limiter 的结构用的都比较简单,当时感觉带宽做的比较勉强(另外对于最后RSSI 直流输出如何来考虑噪声的问题一直想的也不是很明白..);最近看 high speed link 的内容的时候,顺带看到有些其他提升带宽的的结构,这里把 cherry-hooper 和 active-feedback 的结构简单梳理下。
links for 2011-05-25
- Some discussion about the frequency divider
- Publications of Stanford Microwave Integrated Circuits Laboratory
- 台大刘深渊实验室的论文资源–主要PLL,CDR…
- Online Resource for 28th European Solid-State Circuits Conference
links for 2011-05-18
- D.A.Johns homepage — links to the ic course and papers
- simple but clear summary of DAC parameters
- some discussion about the voltage reference in adc
- lots of paper about DC-DC converter…
- "The number of IC design starts at 28-nm for foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is more than three times what they were at the equivalent stage in the roll out of 40-nm manufacturing processes, according to a company executive."
High-swing cascode 电流镜的输入阻抗
对于简单的基本电流镜电路,其输入是一个二级管连接的 mos 管,很容易知道其阻抗为 1/gm; 但是对于 high-swing cascode 电流镜(如下图),就不太容易直接的看出其输入阻抗。
这里可以考虑从反馈的角度来分析:如果输入节点的电压升高,实际上也就是 Q3 的 Vgs 升高,故Ids3 变大,此电流会将输入节点的电压拉低。这实际上是一个电压负反馈(或者说是 shunt feedback),其等效阻抗应该也是一个较小的值,具体来说:
links for 2011-05-10
- "Who’s the next takeover target in analog? And who are the ''consolidators’’ in the arena?"
- "The resistance of superconductivity to rational explanation has prompted the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DoE) Brookhaven National Laboratory to fabricate atomically perfect ultra-thin-films capable of accurately characterize the transition from an insulator to superconductor."
- "用了50多年的2D平面硅晶体管将被3D晶体管所取代,这确是一种划时代的进步。虽然其它半导体阵营如IBM也有类似的技术研究,但此次英特尔是首次宣布已能进行大规模量产"
JSSC2011-4 笔记
Microwatt Embedded Processor Platform for Medical System-on-Chip Applications
对analog 部分,可以看的主要是里面DC-DC converter的结构(可以满足在非常低的负载水平提供能量的要求)。具体的DC-DC变换器,其输出的电压反馈控制ring-oscillator(其深度与digital core的关键路径相等),通过比较其频率来控制开关导通时间.
A Battery-Powered Activity-Dependent Intracortical Microstimulation IC for Brain-Machine-Brain Interface