- Designing the compensation network in a DC/DC converter can be a mystery if one does not know where to place the poles and zeros of the error amplifier and how much gain the error amp needs.
- P means proportional,
I means integral,
D means differential… - 欧洲芯片商意法半导体公司(STMicroelectronics NV)日前宣布将旗下无线资产并入恩智浦半导体公司(NXP Semiconductors,由飞利浦创建的独立半导体公司),从而组建一家由意法半导体控股的新的合资公司
- 低门槛使触摸屏方案略显拥挤,高端应用领域有待灵感挖掘; 针对细分应用,闪存MCU更高集成;更低功耗、更快速度成焦点;电视应用琳琅满目,丰富体验需求引发多种方案; SSD存储IIC初显身手…
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