- 本文回顾了过去一年芯片厂商在提高电源工作效率方面的进一步努力,阐述一些功率转换中所用的功率因数校正 (PFC) 及其它控制芯片。
- 60年前,科学家们在贝尔实验室证明了20世纪最重要的发明:第一只真正的晶体管。
- generally switching transistors cause glitch due to kickback noise and clock feedthrough and hence these are generally separated from the input and output using a transistor which is always on……
- some study material for a beginner in sigma delta design
- To design SDM:
1.understand the principle of SDM;
2.determine the architecture of SDM according to the spec;
3.behavior modeling scale factor refering to the stablity;
4.behavior modeling the nonideal factor ,such as the cap noise vs. SNR,slew rate and…
links for 2007-11-23
- Sub-threshold (aka weak inversion) region is normal for diff. pair of OPAMP
- For good layout, you should always provide doubel guardring to critical circuits like Differential pair , current mirror & Buffers ( High current carrying transistor).
- Part 2 of an article discussing methods of making six basic audio measurements covers how to test for frequency response, THD+N, phase, crosstalk, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using a home theater receiver and an Audio Precision analyzer as an example
- a good book about ESD
- A table giving the overview of four different filter types,and a master’s thesis for detail
links for 2007-11-08
- 王阳元 郑敏政 江上舟 马启元 梁胜 邓中翰
- 陈向东-杭州士兰微; 张汝京-中芯国际
- 王芹生-华大; 王国平-华润微电子; 魏少军-大唐微电子
- 刘幼海-上海先进半导体; 郑茳-意源微电子; 方培琦-上海华虹(
- 黄学良 林涛 徐中佑 赵广民
- 施雷-复旦微电子; 陈凯-鼎芯; 郑少波-华润矽科
- 陆宁-华越微电子; 周旗钢-有研半导体; 闵昊-上海华虹
- This paper advocates for this promising new approach to circuit linearization, both in its theoretical and practical applications.
- What is a decibel and how should we use it in our calculations? This Application Note is intended as a refresher on the subject of decibels.
- How we should choose a proper VDsat value from what criteria?
- procedure to extract lambda