- Some discussion about the frequency divider
- Publications of Stanford Microwave Integrated Circuits Laboratory
- 台大刘深渊实验室的论文资源–主要PLL,CDR…
- Online Resource for 28th European Solid-State Circuits Conference
links for 2011-05-18
- D.A.Johns homepage — links to the ic course and papers
- simple but clear summary of DAC parameters
- some discussion about the voltage reference in adc
- lots of paper about DC-DC converter…
- "The number of IC design starts at 28-nm for foundry Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. is more than three times what they were at the equivalent stage in the roll out of 40-nm manufacturing processes, according to a company executive."
links for 2011-05-10
- "Who’s the next takeover target in analog? And who are the ''consolidators’’ in the arena?"
- "The resistance of superconductivity to rational explanation has prompted the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DoE) Brookhaven National Laboratory to fabricate atomically perfect ultra-thin-films capable of accurately characterize the transition from an insulator to superconductor."
- "用了50多年的2D平面硅晶体管将被3D晶体管所取代,这确是一种划时代的进步。虽然其它半导体阵营如IBM也有类似的技术研究,但此次英特尔是首次宣布已能进行大规模量产"
links for 2011-05-03
- "与窄带电力载波(PLC)技术相比,宽带电力载波技术在稳定性、传输效率、数据安全性、组网能力等多方面具备优势,是近几年才开始商用的一种新兴电力载波技术,也是将来智能电网的主要承载技术"
- some discussion about the phase selector verilog-A model
- "计量演进的速度非常惊人,设计人员需要做好准备,预见将来会出现的问题和挑战。除非设计人员积极应对问题和挑战,否则我们将无法提供既能够满足未来需求又能塑造未来世界的产品。一个巨大的挑战是提供能够解决上述问题和其它问题的单芯片解决方案"
links for 2011-04-26
- some discussion about 1/f noise in bgr
- "LTE时代来临是否意味着TD-SCDMA时代的终结?TD-SCDMA将去向何方?在即将展开的这场新的竞争中本土芯片厂商的优势是什么?"
- some discussion about ldo
- "根据市场研究机构IC Insights的统计,全球半导体制造产能将近有三分之二是位于地震带,包括超过九成以上的晶圆代工厂产能。"
links for 2011-04-19
- "worked practice problems corresponding to the second edition of the textbook CMOS Analog Circuit Design."
- "Broadcom Corp., Micron Technology Inc. and the new Renesas Electronics Corp. jumped into the top 10 chip rankings for 2010, according to Gartner Inc. "